Gameguru Mania Updated:10:42 AM CET Jan,18
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R-Type [cheats]
R.A.W. Realms of Ancient War v49228 [trainer +4]
R.B.I. Baseball 21 [trainer +1]
R.I.P v1.0.7 [all access cheat]
R.I.P. 3 - Secret Weapons [cheats]
R.I.P. Trilogy [cheats]
R.O.S.E Online [cheats]
R.O.S.E. Online [hints]
RA 5 Spots II v1.0 [trainer +2]
RA 5 Spots II v1.0 [trainer +2]
RA Abysma v1.1 [trainer +5]
RA Alien Sky v1.0 [trainer +2]
RA AlphaQUEUE v1.0 [all levels cheat]
RA AstroPop Deluxe v1.0.0.1 [trainer +1]
RA BalaGan v1.5.0.0 [all levels cheat]
RA Ballistik v1.0.8.0 [all access cheat]
RA Ballistik v1.0.8.0 [trainer +2]
RA Ballistik v1.0.8.0 [trainer +8]
RA Bounce Out Blitz v1.03 [trainer +1]
RA Brave Dwarves 2 Fabulous Adventures v1.0 [trainer +4]
RA Brave Dwarves 2 v1.08 [all access cheat]
RA Brave Dwarves 2 v1.08 [trainer +5]
RA Bricks of Egypt v1.02 [all access cheat]
RA Bricks of Egypt v1.02 [cheats]
RA Bricks of Egypt v1.02 [trainer +5]
RA Bugix v1.00 [all access cheat]
RA Bugix v1.00 [cheats]
RA Chips v1.0 [all access cheat]
RA Combo Chaos v1.0 [trainer +1]
RA Crystal Path v1.0 [trainer +2]
RA Diner Dash v1.0 [all access cheat]
RA Fitznik v1.0.1 [trainer +2]
RA FreakOut Gold v1.0 [trainer +1]
RA Froggy Castle v1.1 [all access cheat]
RA Go Bingo v1.0 [trainer +3]
RA Golf Adventure Galaxy [all access cheat]
RA Gravity v1.0 [trainer +3]
RA Iggle Pop v2004.11.1.1 [trainer +2]
RA Incredible Ink v1.0 [trainer +2]
RA Infest v1.0 [trainer +3]
RA Lemonade Tycoon v1.1.4 [trainer +4]
RA Magic Ball v1.74 [trainer +1]
RA Maui Wowee v1.0 [all access cheat]
RA Mind Your Marbles v1.22 [trainer +1]
RA Mysteryville v1.0 [all access cheat]
RA Mysteryville v1.0 [trainer +3]
RA Pharaohs Arrows v1.0 [all access cheat]
RA Planetary Defense v1.0 [cheats]
RA Puzz Loop v1.0 [all access cheat]
RA Puzz Loop v1.0 [trainer +3]
RA Puzzix Constructor v1.0 [trainer +2]
RA Puzzle Blast v1.1.0.0 [all access cheat]
RA Puzzle Blast v1.1.0.0 [trainer +7]
RA Puzzle Express v1.0.0.1 [trainer +4]
RA Puzzle Inlay v2.0.0.85 [trainer +4]
RA Rocket Mania v1.0 [trainer +1]
RA Slingo Deluxe v1.0.12 [trainer +1]
RA Slingo Deluxe v1.0.4 [trainer +1]
RA Snail Mail v1.1 [all access cheat]
RA Snail Mail v1.1 [cheats]
RA Spin and Win [cheats]
RA Super Pop And Drop v1.1.0.16 [trainer +2]
RA Turtle Bay v1.03 [trainer +1]
RA Word Mojo Gold v1.3 [trainer +2]
RA WWII Pacific Heroes [all access cheat]
RA Zuma Deluxe v1.0 [trainer +1]
Rabbit and Steel v20240526+ [trainer +9]
Rabbit Hole [trainer +4]
Rabi Ribi V1.991 [Trainer +6]
Rabi Ribi V1.99e [trainer +6]
Race 07 v1.0.0.9 [trainer +1]
Race 07 [trainer +1]
Race Caterham [trainer +1]
Race Day v1.0 [trainer +1]
Race Driver [cheats]
Race The Sun [cheats]
RaceLeague [cheats]
Racemania [cheats]
Rack N Ruin V1.00 [trainer +4]
RAD v1.0 [Trainer +3]
Radiant Defense [cheats]
Radiation Island V02.05.2019 [Trainer +5]
Radio Commander [cheats]
Radix: Beyond the Void [cheats]
Raft - Save Game
Raft Save Game
Raft V.0 Steam [ttrainer +5]
Raft V1.03 [trainer +5]
Raft V1.05 64bit [trainer +5]
Raft v11-v13 [Trainer +20] {FLiNG}
Raft v2020.08.05 [Trainer +20] {FLiNG}
Raft V9.3539962 64bit [trainer +5]
Raft V9.36 32bit [Trainer +5]
Raft Wars [cheats]
Rag Doll Kung Fu [cheats]
Rage (Update 1) [trainer +12]
RAGE 2 V1.0-V20190516 TRAINER +20 {FLING}
RAGE 2 update 6 [Trainer +11] {dR.oLLe}
RAGE 2 v1.0-20210219 [Trainer +20] {FLiNG}
RAGE 2 V1.0-V20190524 [TRAINER +20] {FLING}
RAGE 2 v1.0-v20190725 [Trainer +20] {FLiNG}
RAGE 2 v1.0-v20190926 [Trainer +20] {FLiNG}
RAGE 2 v1.0-v20191114 [Trainer +20] {FLiNG}
Rage 2 V1.00 [Trainer +11]
Rage 2 V1.02 [Trainer +11]
Rage 2 [cheats]
Rage 3 [cheats]
Rage of Mages 2 - Necromancer
Rage of Mages 2 [cheats updated]
Rage Of Mages Trainer
Rage Of Mages v1.10 Patch Trainer
RAGE v1.00 [trainer +9]
RAGE v1.00/1.01 [trainer +8]
RAGE v1.01 [trainer +12]
RAGE v1.01 [trainer +8]
RAGE [cheats]
Ragnarock [cheats]
Ragnarok Online [cheats]
Raidborn [trainer +5]
Raiden 4: Overkill [cheats]
Raiden III V1.00 [trainer +2]
Raiden IV OverKill V1.00 [trainer +2]
Raiden Legacy [cheats]
Raiders of the Broken Planet [trainer +3]
Rail of Möbius [cheats]
Railroad Pioneer [trainer +1]
Railroad Tycoon 2 Money Trainer +1
Railroad Tycoon 2 Platinum Edition [trainer +1]
Railroad Tycoon 2 Platinum Edition [trainer +3]
Railroad Tycoon 3
Railroad Tycoon 3 Update v1.04 [cheats]
Railroad Tycoon 3 v1.02 [trainer +1]
Railroad Tycoon 3 v1.03 [trainer +1]
RailRoad Tycoon 3 v1.04 [trainer +1]
Railroad Tycoon 3 v1.05 [trainer +2]
Railroad Tycoon 3 [cheats]
Railroad Tycoon 3 [trainer +1]
RailRoad Tycoon II Gold Edition [cheats]
Railroad Tycoon [cheats]
Rails Across America [cheats&hints]
Rails Across America [trainer +1]
Railway Empire V1.9.0 [Trainer +3]
Railway Empire [cheats]
Rain World [cheats]
Rainbow Mystery v1.1 [all access cheat]
Rainbow Mystery v1.1 [trainer +3]
Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield - Penthouse Mission Walkthrough
Rainbow Six Vegas v1.04 [trainer +5]
Rainbow Six Vegas v1.04 [trainer +8]
Rainbow Six Vegas v1.05 [trainer +8]
Rainbow Six Vegas [cheats]
Rainbow Six [cheats]
Rainbow Six: Athena Sword [cheats]
Rainbow Six: Covert Operations [cheats]
Rainbow Six: Lockdown [cheats]
Rainbow Six: Lockdown [trainer +2]
Rainbow Six: Lockdown [unlocker]
Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear [cheats]
Rainforest Adventure v1.0.1.2 [trainer +2]
Rally Championship Extreme [cheats]
Rally Championship Xtreme [cheats]
Rally Championship [cheats]
Rally Cross [cheats]
Rally Masters [All Cars+Track Cheat]
Rally Raid [trainer +1]
Rally Raid [trainer +2]
Rally Trophy [cheats]
Rambo - The Video Game v1.0.2.0 [trainer +7]
Rambo: The Video Game [cheats]
Rampage Knights V1.8 [trainer +5]
Ranch Simulator vs0.331 [Trainer +5]
Random Factor Mahjong v1.0.5 [trainer +2]
Rangerdog [trainer +3]
Rangok Skies [trainer +4]
Rangok Skies [trainer +4]
Rapala Pro Fishing [cheats]
Rapid Gunner [all access cheat]
Raptor Call Of The Shadows v2.4 [trainer +4]
Raptor Call of the Shadows v2.4b [trainer +3]
Raptor [cheats updated]
Raptor: Call of the Shadows 2010 Edition [cheats]
Rapture - World Conquest [iPhone]
Ras Empire v1.0 [trainer +3]
Ras Revenge Mission Pack 1 v2.3 [cheats]
Ras Revenge Mission Pack 2 v2.3 [cheats]
Ras Revenge v1.1 [trainer +4]
Ras Vegas Mission Pack 3 v2.3 [cheats]
RASPBERRY MASH [trainer +7]
Ratatouille [cheats]
Ratatouille [trainer +11]
Ratopia [cheats]
Raven Cry V1.00 [trainer +9]
Raven's Cry v1.0 - v1.7 [trainer +10]
Ravenbound v1.1.0.0 [Trainer +5]
Ravenbound [cheats]
Ravenfield Beta 5 [trainer +4]
Ravenfield [cheats]
Ravenmark Scourge of Estellion [trainer +2]
Ravenswatch: Shores of Storm Island [Trainer +6]
Raw Metal [trainer +2]
Ray Crisis [trainer +3]
Ray Gigant V1.00 [trainer +3]
Ray Storm [trainer +1]
Rayman 2 [cheats]
Rayman 2 [trainer +1]
Rayman 2: The Great Escape [cheats]
Rayman 2: The Great Escape [savegames for all levels]
Rayman 2: The Great Escape [savegame]
Rayman 3 Hoodlum Havoc v1.1 [trainer +3]
Rayman 3 Hoodlum Havoc [all access cheats]
Rayman 3 Hoodlum Havoc [trainer +1]
Rayman Forever [cheats]
Rayman Gold [cheats[
Rayman Legends [cheats]
Rayman M [mission unlocker]
Rayman Origins Update v1.01 [trainer +2]
Rayman Origins v1.0.32504 [Trainer +4]
Rayman Origins [trainer +2]
Rayman Raving Rabbids 2 [cheats]
Rayman Raving Rabbids [cheats]
Rayman Redemption v1.0.4 [Trainer +3]
Rayman [cheats&guide]
Rayman: Raving Rabbids 2 [cheats]
Rayman: Raving Rabbids [cheats]
Rayman: Raving Rabbids [trainer +1]
Rayman: Raving Rabbids [trainer +5]
Raystorm [cheats]
RayStorm [trainer +6]
RC Cars [trainer +2]
RC Cars [trainer +5]
RC Racers Deluxe [savegame cheat]
RC Toy Machines [all access cheat]
RCT Loopy Landscapes [all scenarios cheat]
Re-Legion V1.0.0.207 [Trainer +5]
Re-Legion V1.0.5.223 [Trainer +5]
Re-Legion V1.0.6.229 [Trainer +5]
Re-Legion V1.1.0.258 [Trainer +5]
Re-Legion V1.3.3.322 [Trainer +5]
Reach For The Stars [trainer]
Reaktor v1.0 [unlocker]
Reaktor v1.2 [trainer +8]
Real Ball v1.0 [all access cheat]
Real Ball v1.01 [all access cheat]
Real Boxing [cheats]
Real Deal Slots Nickel Alley [trainer +2]
Real War Rogue States [cheats]
Real War Rogue States [money trainer]
Real War v1.6 [trainer +2]
Real War [cheats]
Real War [resource trainer +1]
Real War [trainer +1]
Real Warfare 2: Northern Crusades [cheats]
Real World Racing [cheats]
Realm Grinder [cheats]
Realm Of Hepumia [cheats]
Realm Of Hepumia [trainer +6]
Realm of Hepumia [trainer +7]
Realm of Ink Early v0.18.8 [trainer +5]
Realm of Ink [trainer +!4] Early Access+ · Last Updated: 2024.09.29
Realm of oblivion(soul like) [trainer +6]
Realm of the Mad God [cheats]
Realms of Arcania 3: Shadows Over Riva [cheat&hints]
Realms of Arcania: Blade of Destiny [walkthrough]
Realms of Arkania 2: Star Trail [walktrough]
Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny [cheats]
Realms Of Chaos [cheats]
Realms of the Haunting [cheats]
realMyst [hints]
realMyst [walktrough]
Realore Mad Cars v1.0 [all access cheat]
Realpolitiks V1.3 [trainer +8]
Realpolitiks V1.4.2 [trainer +8]
Realpolitiks V1.6.4 [trainer +8]
Rebel Assault 2: The Hidden Empire [cheats]
Rebel Assault [cheats]
Rebel Bomberman v1.05 [trainer +1]
Rebel Galaxy v1.00 [trainer +9]
Rebel Galaxy V1.08 [Trainer +9] GOG
Rebel Galaxy V1.08 [Trainer +9] Steam
Rebel Inc: Escalation v0.6.0 [Trainer +9] {FLiNG}
Rebel Inc: Escalation v0.6.0-v0.6.2 [Trainer +9] {FLiNG}
Rebel Inc: Escalation v0.6.0-v0.7.0 [Trainer +9] {FLiNG}
Rebel Inc: Escalation v0.6.0-v0.8.0 [Trainer +9] {FLiNG}
Rebel Inc: Escalation v1.0 [Trainer +9] {FLiNG}
Rebel Raiders [trainer +4]
Rebel Raiders [unlocker]
Rebel Raiders: Operation Nighthawk v1.03 [cheats]
Rebel Raiders: Operation Nighthawk v1.03 [unlocker]
Rebel Trucker [trainer +4]
Rebels Prison Escape [all access cheat]
Rebels: Prison Escape [trainer +1]
Rebuild 3 Gangs of Deadsville v1.00 [trainer +5]
Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale [cheats]
Recharge The Battle for Freedom (German) [trainer +3]
Reclaiming the Lost Walkthrough Guide
Reclaiming the Lost [cheats]
Reclusive [trainer +3]
RECOIL trainer +3
Recoil [cheats]
Recon Battle Ships Deluxe v2.2 [trainer +1]
Recon [all missions cheat]
Recon [trainer +3]
Reconquest V1.838 [trainer +3]
Record of Lodoss War: Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth v1.0.2.4 [trainer +7]
ReCore V1.0.426.2 [trainer +4 ]
ReCore V1.1.7400.2 [trainer +4]
ReCore [cheats]
ReCore: Definitive Edition [Trainer +5]
Recruits V0.5.3 2016 [trainer +4]
Recruits V1.00 [trainer +4]
Recycle Garbage Truck Simulator V1.00 [trainer +1]
Red Ace Squadron [trainer +2] (by Class)
Red Ace Squadron [trainer +2] (by Monical)
Red Alert 2 V1.06 [trainer +3]
Red Alert 3 Uprising V1.00 [trainer +3]
Red Alert 3 V1.12 [trainer +3]
Red Alert Yuri Revenge V1.001 [trainer +3]
Red Baron 2 [cheats]
Red Baron [cheats]
Red Dead Redemption 2 v1.0-v1311.12 [Trainer +12] {FLiNG}
Red Dead Redemption 2 Save Game
Red Dead Redemption 2 Save Game
Red Dead Redemption 2 Save Game
Red Dead Redemption 2 v1.0 [Trainer +11] {FLiNG}
Red Dead Redemption 2 v1.0 [Trainer +9] {FLiNG}
Red Dead Redemption 2 v1.0-v1207.73 [Trainer +11] {FLiNG}
Red Dead Redemption 2 v1.0-v1207.77 [Trainer +11] {FLiNG}
Red Dead Redemption 2 v1.0-v1207.80 [Trainer +11] {FLiNG}
Red Dead Redemption 2 v1.0-v1232.17 [Trainer +12] {FLiNG}
Red Dead Redemption 2 v1.0-v1232.40 [Trainer +12] {FLiNG}
Red Dead Redemption 2 v1.0-v1232.48 [Trainer +12] {FLiNG}
Red Dead Redemption 2 v1.0-v1311.23 [Trainer +12] {FLiNG}
Red Dead Redemption 2 v1.0-v1355.18 [Trainer +12] {FLiNG}
Red Dead Redemption Save Game
Red Dead Redemption [trainer +4]
Red Faction 1.10 [trainer +5]
Red Faction 2 v1.01 (US) [trainer +5]
Red Faction 2 [cheats]
Red Faction 2 [trainer +3]
Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered V4450 [trainer +6]
Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered V4931 [Trainer +10]
Red Faction Guerrilla Steam [trainer +6]
Red Faction Guerrilla [trainer +14]
Red Faction Guerrilla [trainer +3]
Red Faction II *GERMAN* Bloodpatch
Red Faction [cheats&hints]
Red Faction [trainer +5]
Red Faction: Armageddon *DX9* [trainer +13]
Red Faction: Armageddon Save Game
Red Faction: Armageddon [complete savegame]
Red Faction: Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered v4931 [Trainer +9]
Red Faction: Guerrilla [cheats]
Red Glare Save Game
Red Glare [trainer +2]
Red Goddess Inner World [trainer +3]
Red Jets [cheats]
Red Ocean [cheats]
Red Ocean [trainer +5]
Red Ocean [trainer +6]
Red Orchestra 2 - Heroes of Stalingrad [cheats]
Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45 [cheats]
Red Shark [cheats]
Red Shark [cheats]
Red Silhouette [cheats]
Red Solstice 2: Survivors - v1.0-v2.041 [Trainers +22] {FLiNG}
Red Solstice 2: Survivors v1.0-v1.2.1 [Trainer +22] {FLiNG}
Red Solstice 2: Survivors v1.0-v1.3.2 [Trainers +22] {FLiNG}
Red Solstice 2: Survivors v1.0-v1.4.2 [Trainers +22] {FLiNG}
Red Solstice 2: Survivors v1.0-v1.5.3 [Trainers +22] {FLiNG}
Red Solstice 2: Survivors v1.0-v1.6.1 [Trainers +22] {FLiNG}
Red Solstice 2: Survivors v1.0-v1.7.2 [Trainers +22] {FLiNG}
Red Solstice 2: Survivors v1.0-v2.11 [Trainers +22] {FLiNG}
Red Solstice 2: Survivors v1.0-v2.76 [Trainers +22] {FLiNG}
Red Solstice 2: Survivors v1.0-v2.84 [Trainers +22] {FLiNG}
Red Solstice 2: Survivors v1.0-v2.85 [Trainers +22] {FLiNG}
Red Solstice 2: Survivors v1.0-v2.98 [Trainers +22] {FLiNG}
Reddish [trainer +2]
Redeemer : Enhanced Edition v2.2 [Trainer +5]
Redeemer : Enhanced Edition [Trainer +5]
REDEMPTION [trainer +3]
Redisruption v1.03 [trainer +4]
Redisruption [trainer +1]
Redline +8 trainer
Redline Racer [cheats]
Redline [cheats updated]
Redneck Rampage Deer Hunting [cheats]
Redneck Rampage Rides Again [cheats]
Redneck Rampage [cheats]
REDO! [trainer +1]
Reef Light Conundrum v1.1 [Trainer +3]
Reel Deal Card Games [trainer +4]
Reel Deal Card Games [unlocker]
Reel Deal Casino Championship [trainer +1]
Reel Deal Casino High Roller Datecode 20061017 [trainer +2]
Reel Deal Casino Quest v1.1 [trainer +2]
Reel Deal Casino Quest v1.3 [trainer +2]
Reel Deal Casino Quest [trainer +4]
Reel Deal Casino Quest [trainer +9]
Reel Deal Casino Shuffle Master [trainer +2]
Reel Deal Poker Challenge (2004-03-09) [trainer +2]
Reel Deal Poker Challenge v1.1 [trainer +2]
Reel Deal Poker v11.07.03 [trainer +2]
Reel Deal Slots 2 Update 2004-03-09 [trainer +2]
Reel Deal Slots 2 v1.6 [trainer +1]
Reel Deal Slots 4 [trainer +1]
Reel Deal Slots II v1.3
Reel Deal Slots Nickel Alley Update 2004-03-09 [trainer +2]
Reel Deal Slots Nickel Alley Update 2004-03-09 [trainer +2]
Reel Deal Slots Nickel Alley [trainer +2]
Reel Deal Slots Nickels And More v1.2 [trainer +2]
Reel Deal Slots Nickels And More v1.5.2 [trainer +2]
Reel Deal Slots Nickels And More [trainer +1]
Reel Deal Slots Volume II [trainer +1]
Reel Deal Vegas Casino [trainer +1]
Reflexion [cheats]
Reflexive Action Ball Deluxe v1.0 [all access cheat]
Reflexive Sky Bubbles Deluxe v1.0 [trainer +4]
REFUGE v1.04 [Trainer +3]
Relaxgames Snake v2.3 [trainer +3]
RelaxGame's Snake v2.2 [cheats]
REMEDIUM: Sentinels [Trainer +2]
Remember Me [Trainer +7]
Remnant 2 v1.0 [Trainer +26] {FLiNG}
Remnant 2 v1.0 [Trainer +28] {FLiNG}
Remnant: From the Ashes v214 [Trainer +16] {FLiNG}
Remnant: From the Ashes v214-v215 [Trainer +18] {FLiNG}
Remnant: From the Ashes v214-v216 [Trainer +18] {FLiNG}
Remnant: From the Ashes v214-v218 [Trainer +18] {FLiNG}
Remnant: From the Ashes v214-v234 [Trainer +18] {FLiNG}
Remnant: From the Ashes [cheats]
Remorse: The List [trainer +4]
Remothered: Broken Porcelain [trainer +3]
Remothered: Tormented Fathers [Trainer +2]
Remothered: Tormented Fathers [Trainer +2]
Removal Man [trainer +2]
Rending Sky v2019.12.31 [Trainer +2]
Rending Sky [Trainer +2]
Renegade Ops Collection v25528 [trainer +10]
Renegade Racers [cheats]
Renex 2 [trainer +1]
Renfield: Bring Your Own Blood [cheats]
Renowned Explorers Build #214 64-bit [trainer +3]
Renowned Explorers [trainer +3]
Repton 1 v1.1 [cheats]
Repton 1 v1.1 [trainer +4]
Republic: The Revolution [savegame editor]
Republic: The Revolution [trainer +3]
Republique Remastered b13940 [trainer +4]
Requiem: Avenging Angel [cheats updated]
Requital [trainer +11]
Requital: Wolfhound, The Revenge of the Grey Dog [cheats]
Rescue 2013 [cheats]
Rescue Fire 911 [cheats]
Rescue Fire 911 [levels unlocker]
Reservoir Dogs [cheats]
Reservoir Dogs [trainer +7]
Reservoir Dogs [trainer +9]
Reset [trainer +2]
Resident Evil - Revelations v1.0-v1.3 [trainer +12]
Resident Evil - Revelations v1.0-v1.3 [trainer +7] (German)
Resident Evil - Revelations [megatrainer]
Resident Evil - Revelations [trainer +6]
Resident Evil - Revelations [trainer +8]
Resident Evil 0 HD Remaster V1.00 [trainer +4]
Resident Evil 0 HD REMASTER [cheats]
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 2 Biohazard RE 2 V03.02.2019 [trainer +10]
Resident Evil 2 Biohazard RE 2 V25.01.2019 [trainer +10]
Resident Evil 2 Biohazard RE 2 V25.01.2019 [trainer +5]
Resident Evil 2 Biohazard RE 2 V29.06.2019 [Trainer +11]
Resident Evil 2 Platinum [cheats]
Resident Evil 2 Remake PC demo time-limit crack
Resident Evil 2 Remake v1.0 Update 17.12.2019 [Trainer +20] {FLiNG}
Resident Evil 2 Remake v1.0-v20190424 [Trainer +20] {FLiNG}
Resident Evil 2 Remake v1.03 (Steam) [Trainer +6]
Resident Evil 2 Remake v1.4 (24.04.2002) [trainer +6]
RESIDENT EVIL 2 V1.0-V20220613 [TRAINER +20] {FLING}
Resident Evil 2 v20.04.2022 [trainer +5]
Resident Evil 3 (2020) [cheats]
Resident Evil 3 - Nemesis [savegame editor/crack]
Resident Evil 3 : Nemesis [hex cheats]
Resident Evil 3 : Nemesis [hints&cheats]
Resident Evil 3 : Nemesis [walktrough]
Resident Evil 3 Demo [Trainer +12] {FLiNG}
Resident Evil 3 Remake v20.12.2020 [Trainer +6]
Resident Evil 3 v1.0 [Trainer +15] {FLiNG}
Resident Evil 3 v1.0 [Trainer +18] {FLiNG}
Resident Evil 3 v1.0 [Trainer +20] {FLiNG}
Resident Evil 3 v1.0-v20200603 [Trainer +20] {FLiNG}
Resident Evil 3 v1.0-v20200806 [Trainer +20] {FLiNG}
Resident Evil 3 v1.0-v20200930 [Trainer +20] {FLiNG}
RESIDENT EVIL 3 V1.0-V20220613 [TRAINER +20] {FLING}
Resident Evil 3 v23092023 [trainer +6]
Resident Evil 3: Mercenaries [trainer +18]
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis [cheats]
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis [trainer]
Resident Evil 4 v1.0 [trainer +30] {FLiNG}
Resident Evil 4 Chainsaw DEMO [trainer +12] {FLiNG}
Resident Evil 4 HD [trainer +3]
Resident Evil 4 Ultimate HD Edition v1.0.18384.1 Steam [trainer +6]
Resident Evil 4 Ultimate HD Edition v1.1.0 (2005) [trainer +6]
Resident Evil 4 v1.0 [trainer +14] {FLiNG}
Resident Evil 4 v1.0 [trainer +28] {FLiNG}
Resident Evil 4 v1.0-v20230407 [trainer +36] {FLiNG}
Resident Evil 4 v1.0-v20230424 [trainer +36] {FLiNG]
Resident Evil 4 v1.0-v20230424 [Trainer +36] {FLiNG}
Resident Evil 4 [cheats]
Resident Evil 4: Ultimate HD Edition v1.0 [trainer +5]
Resident Evil 4: Ultimate HD Edition [cheats]
Resident Evil 4: Ultimate HD Edition [Trainer +5]
Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition Steam [trainer +7]
Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition Update #1 [trainer +7]
Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition [trainer +7]
Resident Evil 5 [cheats]
Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition v1.0 - v1.1 [trainer +16]
Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition [Trainer +7]
Resident Evil 6 1.0.6 [trainer +7]
Resident Evil 6 v1.0 [trainer +9]
Resident Evil 6 [cheats]
Resident Evil 6 [trainer +8]
Resident Evil 7 Biohazard V1.00 [trainer +4]
Resident Evil 7 Biohazard V1.01 [trainer +4]
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard - v1.0-v20210419 [Trainer +14] {FLiNG}
Resident Evil biohazard HD REMASTER V1.00 [trainer +5]
Resident Evil biohazard HD REMASTER V1.00 [trainer +6]
Resident Evil HD REMASTER v1.0 [trainer +16]
Resident Evil HD Remaster [cheats]
Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City V1.2.1803.136 [trainer +5]
Resident Evil Revelations 2 v1.0 - v2.0 [trainer +20]
Resident Evil Revelations 2 EP1 steam v1.0.1 [trainer +13]
Resident Evil Revelations 2 [trainer +8]
Resident Evil v1.0 (GOG) [trainer +4]
Resident Evil Village Gameplay Demo [Trainer +13] {FLiNG}
Resident Evil Village Save Game
Resident Evil Village v1.0 [Trainer +19] {FLiNG}
Resident Evil Village v1.0 [Trainer +22] {FLiNG}
Resident Evil Village v1.0 [Trainer +23] {FLiNG}
Resident Evil Village v1.0-v20221028 úTrainer +23) {FLiNG}
Resident Evil Village v1.0-v20230625 [Trainer +23] {FLiNG}
Resident Evil Village v28.10.2022 [trainer +9]
Resident Evil [cheats]
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City v1.2.1803.136 [trainer +2]
Resident Evil: Resistance [cheats]
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 v1.0 - v5.0 [trainer +20]
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 [cheats]
Resident Evil: Revelations [cheats]
Resident Fear 2 [trainer +4]
Residue [cheats]
Resolutiion [Trainer +2]
Resonance of Fate - End of Eternity 4K HD Edition [cheats]
Resonance of Fate 4K HD EDITION [cheats]
Resonance [cheats]
RESPECT INC. +4 Trainer
Rest House 2: The Wizard [Trainer +2]
Rest In Peace v1.0.8 [all access cheat]
Restaurant Empire [cheats]
Restaurant Empire 2 [cheats]
Restaurant Empire II [trainer +1]
Restaurant Empire II [trainer +4]
Restaurant Empire v1.14 [trainer +2]
Restaurant Empire v1.20 [trainer +2]
Restaurant Empire [money trainer]
Restaurant Empire [trainer +1]
Restaurant Empire [trainer +2]
Restaurant Tycoon 2 codes (October 2024)
Restricted Area - walktrough
Restricted Area v1.09 [savegame editor]
Restricted Area v1.10 [trainer +4]
Restricted Area v1.15 [trainer +12] (German)
Restricted Area [Trainer +3]
Resuce 2 Everyday Heroes V1.00 [trainer +5]
Resurrection: The Return Of The Black Dragon [trainer +1]
Retro City Rampage [cheats]
Retro64 Cosmo Bots v1.0 [all access cheat]
Retro64 Platypus v1.13d [all access cheat]
Retrovirus [cheats]
Return Fire 2 [cheats]
Return Fire [cheats]
Return to Castle Wolfenstein v1.32 [trainer +5]
Return to Castle Wolfenstein v1.33 [trainer +1]
Return to Castle Wolfenstein [cheats]
Return to Castle Wolfenstein [FAQ/walkthrough]
Return to Castle Wolfenstein [SP trainer +2]
Return to Castle Wolfenstein [trainer +4]
Return to Castle Wolfenstein [walkthrough]
Return To Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory [cheats]
Returnal v1.0 [Trainer +23] {FLiNG}
Reus 2 [cheats]
Reus V1.3.1.1 [trainer +6]
Reus V1.6.5 [Trainer +5]
Reus [cheats]
Revelations 2012 [cheats]
Revenant [cheats updated]
Revenant [final savegame]
Revenant [savegame]
Revenge of the Bugs V1 [trainer +2]
Revenge of the Mutant Camels II [trainer +3]
Revenge of the Shinobi [cheats]
Reventure [cheats]
REVEREND [cheats]
Reverse: 1999 [cheats]
Reversion: The Escape [cheats]
Reversion: The Meeting [cheats]
Reviser [Trainer +6]
Revita v1.0.10 [trainer +2]
ReVolt Multiplayer Cheat Pack
Revolution [cheats]
REVOLVER360 REACTOR V1.19 [trainer +1]
Rewrite [cheats]
Rex Rocket [cheats]
RFA Station v1.02 [trainer +3]
rFactor [cheats]
rFactor [trainer +3]
Rhianna Ford and The Da Vinci Letter v1.0 [trainer +1]
Rhiannons Realm Celtic Mahjong Solitaire v1.3.2 [trainer +3]
Rhombis v1.02 [all access cheat]
Rhythm Destruction [cheats]
Richard And Alice [cheats]
Richard Burns Rally [all access cheat]
Richard Burns Rally [cheats]
Richochet Lost Workds v1.0.13 [cheats]
Richochet Lost Worlds v1.0.13 [trainer +4]
Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality [cheats]
Rick Dangerous [cheats]
RICO v1.0 [Trainer +8] {FututeX}
RICO: Breakout [Trainer +3]
Ricochet 1.3 build 63 [trainer +2]
Ricochet Infinity [cheats]
Ricochet Infinity [unlocker]
Ricochet Lost Worlds Recharged v1.1.29 [all access]
Ricochet Lost Worlds Recharged v1.1.29 [cheats]
Ricochet Lost Worlds v1.0.20 [trainer +1]
Ricochet Lost Worlds: Recharged v1.1.29.1 [cheats]
Ricochet Lost Worlds: Recharged v1.1.29.1 [trainer +1]
Ricochet v1.30/1.40 Build xx [trainer +1]
Ricochet v1.40 Build 67 [trainer +1]
Ricochet Xtreme v1.4.67 [all access cheat]
Ricochet Xtreme v1.4.67 [cheats]
Ricochet Xtreme v1.4.67 [trainer +2]
Ricochet Xtreme v1.4.69 [trainer +2]
Ricochet Xtreme v1.4.71 [trainer +3]
Riddle of the Sphinx [walktrough]
Ride 2 V1.00 [trainer +3]
Ride 4 [Trainer +4]
Ride Carnival Tycoon [trainer +4]
Ride Carnival Tycoon [unlocker]
Ride to Hell: Retribution [cheats]
Ride [trainer +4]
Ride!: Equestrian Simulation [unlocker]
Riders 2491 [Trainer +3]
Rig & Roll [cheats]
Rig Racer 2 [unlocker]
Rigonauts [trainer +2]
Rigonauts [unlocker]
RIM Battle Planets [cheats]
RimWorld 0.4.466 4F [trainer +7]
RimWorld 0.6.532 [trainer +9]
RimWorld 0.7.581 [trainer +9]
RimWorld 0.7.584 [trainer +9]
RimWorld 0.8.671 [trainer +9]
RimWorld Alpha 1 V1.334 [trainer +7]
RimWorld Alpha 2 V2.363 [trainer +8]
RimWorld Alpha 3f V3.413 [trainer +8]
RimWorld v0.11.877 [trainer +13]
RimWorld V0.12.911 [trainer +13]
RimWorld V0.12.914 [trainer +13]
RimWorld V0.14.1234 [trainer +13]
RimWorld V0.18.1722 [trainer +13]
RimWorld V0.5.496 [trainer +7]
RimWorld v0.9.725 [trainer +9]
RimWorld version 0.10.778 [trainer +13]
RimWorld [cheats]
Ringing Bell Slots v2.2 [trainer +4]
Ringing Bells Slots v2.1 [trainer +2]
Ringing Bells Slots v2.2 [trainer +2]
Riot Police [all access cheats]
Riotball v1.5 [trainer +3]
Ripley's Believe It or Not: The Riddle of Master Lu [cheats]
Ripout [cheats]
RIPOUT: Gear Up v0.191.03 [trainer +6]
Ripper [cheats]
Rise And Fall Civilizations At War [trainer +8]
Rise And Fall: Civilizations at War [cheats]
Rise of Gun [cheats]
Rise Of Nation: Throne and Patriots [trainer +1]
Rise Of Nations Extended Edition V0.2009 [trainer +12]
Rise Of Nations Extended Edition [cheats]
Rise Of Nations Thrones And Patriots v3.2.3.2905 [trainer +3]
Rise of Nations [all access cheat]
Rise of Nations [cheats]
Rise of Nations [trainer +7]
Rise of Nations: Extended Edition v1.05 [trainer +3]
Rise Of Nations: Gold Edition [cheats]
Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends v0.0606.1401.0000.13.0 [trainer +1]
Rise Of Nations: Rise Of Legends [cheats]
Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends [unlocker]
Rise of Nations: Thrones and Patriots [cheats]
Rise Of The Argonauts [cheats]
Rise Of The Argonauts [trainer +5]
Rise Of The Robots 2: Resurrection [cheats]
Rise Of The Robots [cheats]
Rise of the Tomb Raider v1.0 - v1.0.610.1 [trainer +13]
Rise of the Tomb Raider v1.0 - v1.0.623.2 [trainer +19]
Rise of the Tomb Raider v1.0-v1.0.1013.0 [Trainer +19] {FLiNG}
Rise of the Tomb Raider v1.0.1027.0 [trainer +5]
Rise of the Tomb Raider V1.00 Build 753.64 [trainer +7]
Rise of the Triad (2013) v1.0.10508.0 [trainer +2]
Rise of the Triad (2013) v1.0.2 [trainer +4]
Rise of the Triad (2013) v1.1.1 [trainer +4]
Rise of the Triad (2013) v1.3 [trainer +4]
Rise of the Triad (2013) [cheats]
Rise Of The Triad [cheats]
Rise of the White Sun [cheats]
Rise of Venice V1.1.2 [trainer +4]
Risen 2 - Dark Waters [cheats]
Risen 2 Dark Waters * Steam * [trainer +6]
Risen 2 Dark Waters V2.0.0.6 [trainer +6]
Risen 3 Titan Lords V1.0 [trainer +15]
Risen 3 Titan Lords V1.0 [trainer +2]
Risen 3 Titan Lords V1.0.90 STEAM [trainer +7]
Risen 3 Titan Lords V1.0.90.0 [trainer +26]
Risen 3 Titan Lords V1.0.90.0 [trainer +7]
Risen 3 Titan Lords [cheats]
Risen 3 v08.21.2015 64-bit [trainer +8]
Risen 3 v1.0 [trainer +8]
Risen 3: Titan Lords v1.0.25.0 [Trainer +9]
Risen 3: Titan Lords v1.20 [trainer +7]
Risen 3: Titan Lords [cheats]
Risen [cheats]
Risen [promo trainer]
Rising Kingdoms [cheats]
Rising Kingdoms [resource trainer]
Rising Storm [cheats]
Risk 2 [cheats&hints]
Risk 2 [trainer]
RISK II [trainer]
Risk II [trainer +2]
Risk Of Rain 2 Build 1 [Trainer +6]
Risk Of Rain 2 v1.0 [Trainer +22] {FLiNG}
Risk Of Rain 2 v1.0-v1.2.4.1 [trainer +22] {FLiNG}
Risk Of Rain 2 [cheats]
Risk of Rain 6-17-14 [trainer +1]
Risk of Rain V1.02 [trainer +1]
Risky Wings [Trainer +4]
Ritual: Crown of Horns [Trainer +6]
Rival Ball [trainer +1]
Rival Ball [trainer +5]
Rival Fury [trainer +2]
Rival Realms [cheats]
Riven [cheats]
River City Girls 2 v02.06.2023 [trainer +5]
River City Girls v1.1 35468 [Trainer +5]
River Raider v1.2 [trainer +2]
RKGK / Rakugaki [trainer +6]
Road Construction v1.0 [trainer +1]
Road Fist V1.00 trainer +2]
Road Home [Trainer +3]
Road Rash [cheats]
Road Rash [trainer +1]
Road Redemption - Alpha [trainer +2]
Road Redemption V1.00 [trainer +6]
Road Rush v1.7.0 [trainer +7]
Road Rush [cheats]
Road To Death [Trainer +4]
Road to Eden [Trainer +2]
Road Wars [trainer +1]
RoadWage Money [savegame cheat]
Robin Hood - Sherwood Builders [trainer +4]
Robin Hood Defender of Crown v1.01 [trainer +1]
Robin Hood Defender of the Crown [money trainer]
Robin Hood The Legend of Sherwood [trainer+cheats]
Robin Hood [trainer +4]
Robin Hood – Sherwood Builders v1.0+ [trainer +19]
Robin Hood – Sherwood Builders v1.0+ [trainer +19]
Robin Hood: Country Heroes Collector's Edition [trainer +4]
Robin Hood: Defender Of The Crown v1.01 [trainer +2]
Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood [cheats]
Robin Hood: Winds of Freedom v20200806 [Trainer +7] {FutureX}
Robin Hoods Quest [cheat activator]
Robin Hoods Quest [unlocker]
Roblox - Pet Swarm Simulator Codes (April 2021)
Roblox Ohio codes (October 2024)
Roblox Pressure codes for November 2024
Roblox Promo codes 2024
Roblox [cheats]
Roblox: Fortblox Codes (November 2024)
Roblox: King Legacy [cheats]
Roblox: Locked codes for November 2024
RoboBlitz [cheats]
Robocop (2003) [trainer +4]
RoboCop Rogue City v1.1.1-v1.4.0 [trainer +17]
Robocop [cheats]
Robocop [trainer +3]
RoboCop: Rogue City v1.5.0.0 [trainer +8]
Roboquest v1.0.0.74 [trainer +4]
Roboquest [cheats]
Robot Arena [cheats]
Robot Arena [money cheat]
Robot Arena [trainer +1]
Robot Rage [cheats]
Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball [cheats]
Robot Wars Extreme Destruction [trainer +3]
Robot Wars [trainer +1]
Robot Wars: Arena of Destruction [cheats]
Robot-X [cheats]
RoBOTanks v1.1 [trainer +1]
RoboToys Xonix v1.0 [trainer +3]
RoboToys Xonix v2.0 [trainer +3]
Robots Power On v.1.0 [trainer +2]
Robots Power On! v1.2 [trainer +6]
Robots Power v1.0 [level codes]
Robots [cheats]
Roboxer 2 [hints]
Rochard [cheats]
Rock N Roll 2004 v1.05 [trainer +3]
Rock of Ages 2: Bigger & Boulder [cheats]
Rock Simulator 2 [cheats]
Rock Slide v1.5 [trainer +2]
Rock Zombie [cheats]
Rocket Doubler Slots v1.1 [trainer +1]
Rocket Elite v2.0 [trainer +3]
Rocket Elite [trainer +3]
Rocket Mania Deluxe v1.0 [trainer +4]
Rocket Mania Deluxe v1.01 [trainer +5]
Rocketbirds Hardboiled Chicken Steam [trainer +2]
Rocketbirds Hardboiled Chicken V1.00 [trainer +2]
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken [cheats]
Rockfall The Return v1.3 [all access cheat]
Rockfall The.Return v1.3 [trainer +3]
Rocksmith [cheats]
RockStory v1.0 [all levels cheat]
RockStory v1.0 [trainer +1]
Rocky Mountain Trophy Hunter 2 [cheats]
Rocky Mountain Trophy Hunter 3 [cheats]
Rocky Mountain Trophy Hunter [cheats]
Rodent's Revenge [cheats]
Rogue Agent [cheats]
Rogue Bots [rainer +3]
Rogue Legacy 2 v0.1.0 [Trainer +3]
Rogue Legacy trainer v1.09 [trainer +3]
Rogue Legacy v1.2.0b [trainer +3]
Rogue Legacy v1.3.0 [trainer +4]
Rogue Singularity [Trainer +1]
Rogue Spear (level skipper)
Rogue Spear Urban Operations [trainer +4]
Rogue Spear: Urban Operations [cheats+enabler]
Rogue Spirit [trainer +5]
Rogue Tower v1.0.15 [trainer +1]
Rogue Trooper [cheats]
Rogue Trooper [unlocker]
Rogue's Tale [cheats]
Roland Garros 2001 [unlocker]
Roland Garros 2002 French Open [all access cheat]
Roland Garros French Open 2000 [cheat]
Rollcage II [All Access Cheat]
Rollcage [cheats]
RollCage: Stage 2 [cheats]
Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 [trainer +2]
Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 - Platinum! [cheats]
Roller Rush v1.7 [all access cheat]
RollerCoaster Tychoon Loopy Landscapes [trainer +1]
RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 - TimeTwister [trainer +7]
RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 Wacky Worlds [trainer +2]
RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 Wacky Worlds [trainer +9]
RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 Wacky Worlds(German) [trainer +2]
RollerCoaster Tycoon 2: Wacky Worlds [cheats]
RollerCoaster Tycoon 2: Wacky Worlds [trainer +4]
Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 [all access cheat]
RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 [cheats]
Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 [trainer +1]
RollerCoaster Tycoon 3: Soaked! v3.2.9.14 [trainer +1]
RollerCoaster Tycoon 3: Soaked! [cheats]
RollerCoaster Tycoon 3: Soaked! [trainer +1]
RollerCoaster Tycoon 3: Soaked! [unlocker]
RollerCoaster Tycoon 3: Wild! [all access cheat]
RollerCoaster Tycoon 3: Wild! [cheats]
RollerCoaster Tycoon Deluxe Steam [trainer +1]
RollerCoaster Tycoon II [cheats]
RollerCoaster Tycoon v1.08.187 US [trainer +5 ]
Rollercoaster Tycoon [cheats updated]
RollerCoaster Tycoon [trainer +30]
Rollercoaster Tycoon: Corkscrew Follies [cheats]
RollerCoaster Tycoon: Gold Edition [cheats]
RollerCoaster Tycoon: Loopy Landscapes [cheats]
Rollercoaster Tycoon: Loopy Landscapes [trainer +15]
Rolling Marbles v1.05 [trainer +1]
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13 V09.27.2017 [trainer +14] // NON PUK Game build
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 7 -[cheats]
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 8 Remake v1.0+ [trainer +64]
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 8 [cheats]
Romance of the Three Kingdoms II [cheats]
Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIV v1.0 [Trainer +35] {FLiNG}
Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIV v1.0-v1.0.10 [Trainer +41] {FLiNG}
Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIV v1.0-v1.0.13 [Trainer +41] {FLiNG}
Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIV v1.0-v1.0.3 Upd: 2020.03.03 [Trainer +35] {FLiNG}
Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIV v1.0-v1.0.3 [Trainer +35] {FLiNG}
Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIV v1.0-v1.0.5 [Trainer +35] {FLiNG}
Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIV v1.0-v1.0.6 [Trainer +41] {FLiNG}
Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIV v1.0-v20201215 [Trainer +41] {FLiNG}
Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIV v1.0-v20210527 [Trainer +41] {FLiNG}
Romancing SaGa 2: Revenge of the Seven v1.0+ [trainer +20]
Rome Total War Alexander [trainer]
Rome Total War V1.51 [trainer +6]
Rome Total War [cheats]
Rome: Total War - Barbarian Invasion v1.6 [trainer +2]
Rome: Total War - Barbarian Invasion [trainer +2]
Rome: Total War Barbarian Invasion [cheats]
Rome: Total War v1.1 [trainer +1]
Rome: Total War v1.3 [trainer +2]
Rome: Total War v1.5 [trainer +2]
Rome: Total War [trainer +1]
Rooby Run v1.0 [cheats]
Room 54 [trainer +2]
Room Zoom - Race For Impact [all access cheat]
Room Zoom - Race For Impact [cheats]
Roommates [cheats]
Ropeway Simulator 2014 V1.00 [trainer +2]
Rosenkreuzstilette Freudenstachel [cheats]
Rosenkreuzstilette [cheats]
Rotastic [cheats]
Rotate Mania v1.1 [trainer +1]
Rotate Mania v1.2 [trainer +1]
Rotoblox v.1.4 [trainer +1]
Rotten Flesh - Horror Survival Game [trainer +5]
Rotwood [cheats]
Rouge Spear Urban Operations FINAL [Trainer]
Royal Detective: The Lord of Statues Collector's Edition [Trainer +2]
Royal Romances: The Power of Chosen One Collector's Edition [trainer +3]
Royal Romances: The Power of Chosen One Collector's Edition [Trainer +3]
RPG Maker XP [cheats]
RPG Tsukuru 2000 [cheats]
RPG Tsukuru 2003 [cheats]
RPM - Road Punk Mayhem [trainer +2]
RTL Ski Alpine 2005 [trainer +1]
RTL Ski Jumping 2005 [trainer +1]
RTL Ski Jumping 2007 [trainer +3]
RTL Skijump 2003 [all access cheat]
RTL Skijump 2003 [trainer +3]
Rugby 06 [cheats]
Rugby 08 [cheats]
Rugby 2001 [score trainer]
Rugby 2001 [score trainer]
Rugby 2004 [cheats]
Rugby 2005 [trainer +3]
Rugby League [all access cheat]
Rugby League [trainer +2]
Rugrats - All Growed-Up [hints]
Rugrats in Paris [cheats]
Ruined King: A League of Legends Story v1.0-v58173 [Trainer +27] {FLiNG}
Ruined King: A League of Legends Story v1.0-v59081 [Trainer +27] {FLiNG}
Ruined King: A League of Legends Story v1.6 [trainer +6]
RUINER [cheats]
Rules of the Game [trainer +4]
Run v1.1 [trainer +3]
Runaway A Road Adventure - Walkthrough
Rune Factory 4 Special v1.0 [Trainer +27] {FLiNG}
Rune Factory 5 v1.0 [Trainer +27] {FLiNG}
Rune II v0.0.9L [Trainer +2]
Rune II v1.0.919 [Trainer +2]
Rune II v1.0.919 [Trainer +3]
Rune [cheats&hints updated]
Rune [walktrough]
Runes Of Shalak [cheats]
RuneScape 2 [cheats]
Runescape stat editor
RuneScape [character editor]
Runescape [cheats]
RuneSword II [money save editor]
Runic v1.3.4 [all access cheat]
Runner 2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien [cheats]
Running With Rifles V0.94 [trainer +3]
Running With Rifles V1.00 [trainer +5]
Running With Rifles V1.10 [trainer +5]
Running With Rifles V1.30 Trainer +5
Running With Rifles: Pacific v1.76 [Trainer +4]
Ruse V1.0.0.1 STEAM [trainer +3]
Ruse V1.0.0.1 [trainer +3]
Rush For Berlin [cheats]
Rush for Glory V1.00 [trainer +3]
Rush for Glory version 7.4.2014 [trainer +3]
RUSH [cheats]
Rush'n Attack [Xbox 360]
Rusty Gun [Trainer +2]
Rusty Lake: Roots [cheats]
Rusty's Retirement [cheats]
Ruvato: Original Complex [Trainer +5]
RWBY Grimm Eclipse V1.0.01 [trainer +5]
RWBY Grimm Eclipse V1.2.06r-9850 [Trainer +6]
RWBY: Arrowfell [trainer +4]
Ryan Black [trainer +6]
Ryse Son Of Rome V1.00 [trainer +6]
Ryse: Son of Rome [cheats]