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Steam will stop working on WinXP/Vista [45902]

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 3:14 pm    Post subject: Steam will stop working on WinXP/Vista [45902] Reply with quote

Valve's Steam software has been around for almost 15 years and has arguably come a long way from its somewhat humble beginnings. In fact, the company just announced a complete overhaul to its built-in chat client, now available via the beta channel, foreshadowing some marked improvements over the fundamentals currently


Source: GGMania headlines - Daily Gaming and Tech news
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 4:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Aww guess Koogle is screwed
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 6:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Tom wrote:
Aww guess Koogle is screwed

Oh well...
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 7:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

?I been using Win7 for years now

you seem to be living in the past Tom, my fully tweaked and WinXP certainly was better than Win7 for many years after Win7 was released. Believe me if it wasn't for the constant pressure of lazy developers and hardware companies and MS forcing developers by not providing updates and the same backend api improvements onto WinXp, then I surely would have carried on using it as Win7 was and still is bloat in the extra services and DWM rendering stack. Anyway not sure which year I eventually went over to Win7 but was around 2012-2013 after SP1.. by then it had got most its bugs fixed and and some power tools had been updated.

Now Winshit10 is whole nuther issue, just had the displeasure of using that ugly bug infested junk last week on a new pc build.. and spent the entire weekend trying to get Win7 back on the mobo along with drivers issues.. thanks to those lazy fucks at intel... suffice to say I finally managed it, good to old Win7 back as my main OS, it's the new WinXP Razz

Frankly if hardware manufactures don't support Win7 go forwards then this will probably be the last Windows OS I use.. Microshit really have fucked up Windows beyond redemption. And that fucking embodiment of retardation bullshit SatanMundella or whatever the fuck that shit heads name is, and his cohorts of managing monkeys really have dumbed down, bug riddled and infested windows OS with some much useless background shit, and frontend crap design that it's really surprising so many still use it, mainly because of lack of choice, how difficult it actually is to use Win7, and just how evil MS is at forcing people onto that garbage OS with every dirty trick in the book, nagging updates, scareware, OEM partners blocked from offering Win7, and lazy fuck hardware manufactures and the bare minimum driver build etc. I have yet to speak to anyone in RL who hasn't had some shit annoyance and bug with that junk winshit 10 os, and they don't even use the OS at enthusiast power tool tweaking level that I do.

It is pure garbage, I honestly could say Vista was better than Win10, when this new pc build comes outdated and whatever new mobo/cpu comes out in the years to come that make it impossible to use win7, I swear it will be linux time.

In the meantime I'm switching to crossplatform development for my own tools like Java. Microsuck for all the good they have done with C# and developer tools, they still want to force people on that garbage Win10 OS, and they ain't doing a damn fucking thing to improve it, my guess is the actual talent that built WinXP, Win7 all bailed out (or just outnumbered by the influx of cheap labour and useless sjw's infesting the company). It is damn shame they've turned it into some crap dumbed down OS for 'devices' last I checked my PC was a desktop for productivity/entertainment (WIn10 is anti productivity in everyway and the entertainment features are shit anyway (dx12 garbage anyone? what a amazing improvement NOT).. All the nagging bullshit garbage spyware updates, the constant battle to refix all the shit after another garbage update overwrites everything, and the mountain bugs that left unfixed, as the fucking useless subiq developers can't even fix because they havene't a clue and they'd rather develop and design things at level for sub iq idiots of the world, just easier, collect paycheck, turn the world best OS into pile of shit)

I guess it had to happen eventually, it's really the only way a better OS can ever come about.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 9:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 9:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

sikapossu wrote:

hhaha, good one!

Koogle wrote:
?I been using Win7 for years now

you seem to be living in the past Tom, my fully tweaked and WinXP certainly was better than Win7 for many years after Win7 was released. Believe me if it wasn't for the constant pressure of lazy developers and hardware companies and MS forcing developers by not providing updates and the same backend api improvements onto WinXp, then I surely would have carried on using it as Win7 was and still is bloat in the extra services and DWM rendering stack. Anyway not sure which year I eventually went over to Win7 but was around 2012-2013 after SP1.. by then it had got most its bugs fixed and and some power tools had been updated.

Now Winshit10 is whole nuther issue, just had the displeasure of using that ugly bug infested junk last week on a new pc build.. and spent the entire weekend trying to get Win7 back on the mobo along with drivers issues.. thanks to those lazy fucks at intel... suffice to say I finally managed it, good to old Win7 back as my main OS, it's the new WinXP Razz

Frankly if hardware manufactures don't support Win7 go forwards then this will probably be the last Windows OS I use.. Microshit really have fucked up Windows beyond redemption. And that fucking embodiment of retardation bullshit SatanMundella or whatever the fuck that shit heads name is, and his cohorts of managing monkeys really have dumbed down, bug riddled and infested windows OS with some much useless background shit, and frontend crap design that it's really surprising so many still use it, mainly because of lack of choice, how difficult it actually is to use Win7, and just how evil MS is at forcing people onto that garbage OS with every dirty trick in the book, nagging updates, scareware, OEM partners blocked from offering Win7, and lazy fuck hardware manufactures and the bare minimum driver build etc. I have yet to speak to anyone in RL who hasn't had some shit annoyance and bug with that junk winshit 10 os, and they don't even use the OS at enthusiast power tool tweaking level that I do.

It is pure garbage, I honestly could say Vista was better than Win10, when this new pc build comes outdated and whatever new mobo/cpu comes out in the years to come that make it impossible to use win7, I swear it will be linux time.

In the meantime I'm switching to crossplatform development for my own tools like Java. Microsuck for all the good they have done with C# and developer tools, they still want to force people on that garbage Win10 OS, and they ain't doing a damn fucking thing to improve it, my guess is the actual talent that built WinXP, Win7 all bailed out (or just outnumbered by the influx of cheap labour and useless sjw's infesting the company). It is damn shame they've turned it into some crap dumbed down OS for 'devices' last I checked my PC was a desktop for productivity/entertainment (WIn10 is anti productivity in everyway and the entertainment features are shit anyway (dx12 garbage anyone? what a amazing improvement NOT).. All the nagging bullshit garbage spyware updates, the constant battle to refix all the shit after another garbage update overwrites everything, and the mountain bugs that left unfixed, as the fucking useless subiq developers can't even fix because they havene't a clue and they'd rather develop and design things at level for sub iq idiots of the world, just easier, collect paycheck, turn the world best OS into pile of shit)

I guess it had to happen eventually, it's really the only way a better OS can ever come about.

You can say whatever you want about Win10 but most of it is total rubbish and clear proof you lack of experience/knowledge about it. Only thing I will agree on is the entertainment features. I use 3rd party and have for a very long time. Win 10 is stable and always fast OS for me. If you know what you are doing you can turn off all the reporting but as many sites have stated, the information is not really detailed and/or the collection is no worse than any other OS and that includes OS/X, Android and iPhone. DX12 will go nowhere until devs commit to it/spend money but we all know they are cheap fucks support DX9 and charge top dollar. I liked Vista myself, especially after the SP... only just recently blew away my last Vista test box.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 10:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Win7? Sure, if you enjoy living in ancient history.

Win10 is fine, stop whining and get a grip man. What are these "mountain of bugs" you speak of? Did you forget to upgrade your Pentium 4 and 2 GB of RAM?

I have a dev/gaming/production set up. I use Total Commander, GIT Bash/ConEmu, LAMP stack, Node.js, Sublime Txt, Slack, multiple instances of Chrome, other browsers, HeidiSQL and M$ Outlook 2016. All during my working hours of course. After all of that crap, I game, or I indulge in music production with Cubase 9.5 and many other power hungry apps. Do I experience BSODs, app crashes, hangs or slow-downs? No, I do not.

I have a GTX 970 and can still play Kingdom Come at a stable framerate, with mods at 1440p. News flash, I'm using Windows 10, not Amiga Workbench.

That's basically all you need to set things right.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 12:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It is garbage, sure you can mostly run all same things, and waste time with it, why bother I can run all the same things on Win7 and not have all the extra bullshit with it.

And it doesn't get past the fact it looks like crap and riddled with crapware and bugs.. And the lack options for it.

And for the bugs all over the place, that's why you get so many useless patch updates. Hanging processes that you can't end task on, because Win10 too busy phoning home about it and everything else running for shitting solutions that don't exist, windows that get stuck on top because of poor process elevation issues, the list of asinine bullshit is endless.. none of these issues exist on Win7.

Because Win10 is designed for a different audience of noobs, most of which find it just 'ok' ish...However I don't, I know it's fucking garbage that's why I went through the hassle of removing that junk and going back to Win7. So much for 2years of updates since the first month I tried it after release... it's pure shit and nothing about it has improved in any meaningful way whatsoever.

"I have a GTX 970 and can still play Kingdom Come at a stable framerate, with mods at 1440p. News flash, I'm using Windows 10, not Amiga Workbench. "

And I can play it on a 1080gtx and be able to tab out onto Win7, and not see and be reminded of using some idiocracy looking and poor functioning garbage for an OS.

Also I get higher fps on Win7 because of the lack of extra background crap going on. Let me know when there is DX12 game worth using Winshit 10 ok, until then be happy with knowing I'm not you nor I do give a crap about using that junk just because all its issues don't bother you.

Something seriously wrong with people who think everyone else should like what you use, I don't give a crap if you like Win7 or not, I'm just letting know why I don't give a crap to use Win10.

"Win7? Sure, if you enjoy living in ancient history. "

yeh it's really ancient, way to go using the 'latest' wow so much better not, if only it was.

"Do I experience BSODs, app crashes, hangs or slow-downs? No, I do not. "

And I'm sure you'll come back to let us know when a shitty Win10 update fucks you over, like it has for 10000's of other people who aren't you.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 12:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

"And I'm sure you'll come back to let us know when a shitty Win10 update fucks you over, like it has for 10000's of other people who aren't you."

No point in assuming that an update is going to fuck me over, because I'm not going to waste time on a hypothetical or acting like a paranoid Win7 fanboy.

Point being, none of the updates have fucked me over, and if anyone else had a problem, then I'm sure there's an actual, tangible, comprehensible reason why it happened. Saying "Oh because Win10 is garbage", isn't a valid reason Laughing

If you seriously care about the negligible gaming FPS difference between Win7 and Win10, you're either lying about your hardware, or you're being unnecessarily OCD about this shit. I've done my own testing with process optimisation, the best way to know what is stealing your CPU or GPU resources is to leave task manager open up on a separate monitor and observe. Strangely, I found that by ending explorer.exe I can sometimes gain an extra 2-5 FPS, but that is on-top of an already decent frame rate. Is it worth the trouble to be that nit picky? No fucking way, especially when most of us who care this much are already running a hex core CPU.

Maybe one day the special minimalist Win10 Chinese Government edition will leak on the internet, and you can finally be free from the malware infested chains of data collection.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 7:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

devilhood wrote:
, not Amiga Workbench.

oh man that takes me back
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 12:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

"Maybe one day the special minimalist Win10 Chinese Government edition will leak on the internet, and you can finally be free from the malware infested chains of data collection."

hah now that might actually be the most popular edition of Win10 yet Razz
if only the Chinese didn't just replace MS and partners (creep state) spyware with there own Chinese equivalent.

"If you seriously care about the negligible gaming FPS difference between Win7 and Win10, you're either lying about your hardware, or you're being unnecessarily OCD about this shit. "

I'm not lying about my hardware, and I also didn't say I prefer Win7 for the fps in games(I would glady take the dx12 api support being added to Win7, or going back to XP I would have taken dx10, both those api's could have been easily made to work but pure marketing force of consumers onto a new inferior product for the time was the goal). So no I literately just prefere the desktop environment and lack of bugs and annoyances associated with Win10 (and probably the future as it does not appear that MS have any sense or care do anything but continue adding more shit I don't care about or want to use)

Frankly Windows has not been a huge improvement over it's predecessor OS since WinXP, while WinXP was a huge improvement over Windows 2000/Windows ME, and those 3 OS's were huge improvements over Win98, and that was the same over Win95... ever since Windows Vista, the improvements over the predecessor OS have often been very negligible from early release (Vista being less shit looking and at least more visually consistant without the dumbed garbage option screens that infest Win10 in many ways ), not to mention it now takes years for real value to be had from later versions of Windows. And by that Imean every other third party developer being forced to add value to Windows, and hardware OEM's being forced onto upselling end users only the newer OS's even if they wanted the older one)... MS dirty games, with them doing fuck all real improvements themselves to the OS, the only thing that made me even use Win10 for the week on home pc was the fact there are at least some tools and shell extensions that still work to make things it less garbage. And Win10 theming is fucking shit, lets patch UXtheme again after another shitty update, just to get a slightly not shit theme (because true theming of Windows 10 is just a pure fucking nightmare for anyone to really make anything good) but at least some of them have achieved making a theme less shit than what 1000's of idiots at MS have managed to put out, as in the awful default Win10 theme with its square corner shit and with basic color gui of garbage with fuck all transparency, because that is also too hard to provide as quick option for users.

Seriously to me Win10 is literately shit ontop of what was once a good OS, and you just use it with blinders on or something and ignore all the issues with it..

"Point being, none of the updates have fucked me over, and if anyone else had a problem, then I'm sure there's an actual, tangible, comprehensible reason why it happened. "

...they call that apathy...And you will find if you ever bother to think outside of yourself, a huge increase in the number of people with more problems with Win10 bullshit more than any other OS release since Vista.

Frankly I welcome more vulkan supporting games, and more developers moving towards using cross platform api's like Java/C++QT for software just so Linux desktop is a more viable option for more people. It would certainly make leaving Windows ecosystem far easier.. frankly they are doing wonders to force people away from developing strictly for windows with just Win8/10 UWP/WPF garbage.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 4:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Speaking of aesthetics, in my opinion Win10 is by far the most attractive OS that M$ created.

So that leads me to say... and I'll be incredibly blunt.

Vista is an ugly piece of shit and if I ever see it installed on a computer again I will immediate unplug it and tell the owner to punch his or herself in the face. Now that I've got that out of the way, I understand that design is subjective, and typically I would avoid that discussion when comparing the differences between two operating systems. I've heard worse coming from Apple fanboys.

Vista's initial release was far worse than the bug reports coming from people using Win10. Seriously, have you even tried the retail Vista install? Fucking awful in every way. It's like a Bethesda made operating system. In my opinion it only became commercially usable after SP2.

Windows 7 looked a lot less shit with its de-bulked UI. It was stable and brought back some of the usability that already existed in Windows XP.

Windows 8... Had some very bizarre UI bugs. I didn't like how they forced metro down our throats when it should have only been a touch device feature. I was also very pissed off that DirectDraw was deprecated. Windows 8.1 on the other hand... No problems, and I was already using Classic Shell by this time.

Windows 10 has been rock solid stable right from the get-go, aside from some crappy higher DPI compatibility issues with certain software running in 4K screen res. Thankfully, they seem to have fixed all of those issues with the last couple of updates. I liken it to my initial experience with Windows 7. I also love its hardware driver support, with most peripherals working out of the box. I'm not even running a fresh install on my main machine, it was a perfectly successful upgrade from 8.1. Old game support isn't that bad, and you can always use a virtual OS or WineD3D for those desperate cases.

I don't patch my UXTheme or play around with that shit. I went to town with theming when I had WinXP. Loved the ChaNinja theme, and used to love playing with Stardock's Object Desktop. It was a frivolous time. I'm honestly very happy with the opaque, square, minimalist theme layout of Win10. I'm more concerned about individual software theming support over OS theming. It should be standard practice to allow full font, highlighting and background customization. Dark theme = less eye strain.

You say that I should think outside the box because more people are complaining now? Comparatively speaking, did you ever stop to think that maybe Windows 10 is used by many more millions of people today? These people are also more vocal and techy savvy than the demographic which existed during XP and 7. There is also a greater variety of software and more complex hardware to deal with. I'm not making excuses; this is just the way it is. Beta testing is always more successful when more people are involved, so Windows 10 should logically evolve to become their most stable operating system to date. I'd say that I utilise my computer's hardware and OS to a more significant extent than a casual user, and it simply does not break under pressure. I'm happy, obviously some other people are not. For the most part, a lot of complaints I've read have been due to pure ignorance, running old untested software, graphics driver issues due to the ever evolving video games marketplace, faulty/shitty hardware or unstable overclocks.
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