At 1280X1024 we are pushing a good deal more pixels than the Xbox 360 does. As you can see the 8800GTX is a monster here powering over 70 frames per second. The 8800GTS cards are tied at 50 fps which is nothing to sneeze at, and indicates that the extra memory won't do much for you here. If you reference our Rainbow Six Vegas tests from back in December you will see similar numbers for the 8800s. It is hard to believe it has taken 8 months to get another Unreal 3 engine game on the PC, but it has. Switching to the cooler running 8600s you see a large drop off in performance. The 8600GTS manages just 22 fps, and the 8600GT OC can only do 16. Clearly if you have one of these cards then you may want to drop your resolution and some of the quality settings. At 1600X1200 we see the expected drops in frames. The 8800GTX enjoys a 20 frame lead over the 640MB GTS, and the 320MB card finally does separate out a bit in performance, but not enough to be noticeable in the game. The 8600s both drop into the 10s and really are just not playable here.