Infinity Gears-Gaming Entertainment Advice Reviews and Stuff!
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Welcome to Infinity Gears--This is a new site that has all the gaming news,reviews and all the info on your favorite video games. Also there is Free game help if you have problems with any games for any System.So if you like computers,Video games and anything in those sorts come to Infinity Gears!

This is the intermission from whichever search engine you came from and my site Infinity Gears (iG for short). I'm right now getting everything done in the video game sections, later I'll have various other sections up. Infinity Gears is updated very often so check back every once in while. So thats just some basic info on Infinity Gears, and I hope you enjoy and find my site very useful. All you have to do is click on the big blue gear above to go to my site, if for some reson that link doesn't work, click the link below.

Infinity Gears

Blue HR1
--Cfree(Owner + Creator of Infinity Gears) Last Update: May/6/01 INFINITY GEARS©2001