Gameguru Mania - cheats

  Operation Blockade [cheats]
During gameplay, press Enter and type any of the following Codes:

Code Effect
eat your spinach = God Mode
say uncle = Win Mission

Change game parameters:
Note: This procedure requires editing a game file; creating a backup copy of the file before proceeding is recommended. With a text editor, edit the "player.ini", "player airplanes.ini" and "player guns.ini" files in the game folder. In the "player.ini" file, find all the "rof" (rate of fire) entries and change them from "3.5" to "35". In the "player airplanes.ini" file, change all of the health entries by adding a few of zeros. Reduce the health values for the enemy planes and enemy boats.

(c) 1998-2024 Gameguru Mania