Gameguru Mania - cheats

  CIA Operative - Solo Missions [cheats updated]
Start game with "Solomisons.exe -console"
(if ya stuck in the console press ~ or ESC to get rid of it)

In game use the tile-key (~) to bring down the console and type one of these:

god God Mode
fly Fly Mode
notarget Enemies No Longer Shoot
noclip No Clipping Mode
map X# Skip to Map # (1-6)
endgame Win Game
timescale # Set Game Speed to # (normal is 1)

During the assassination at the casino, when you get to the bathroom look under the stalls. You’ll see two Bigfoot feet. Try to open the door and you’ll hear him growl… When you beat the game you’ll get Bigfoot mode that turns all the bad guyz into bear-like creatures, that don’t do jack to hurt you.

(c) 1998-2024 Gameguru Mania